Steve Atty

When he's not cruising around the canals of Britain in his canal boat (which is what he'd like to do full time) Steve holds down a fairly normal, but hectic, job as an Oracle DBA/Systems Development Specialist/General Dogsbody.

Born in Wigan, he moved to Cheltenham, via Bogley, about 3 years ago, and is currently employed (woops, nearly said the dirty W word there!) in Birmingham, along with a bunch of other loonies.

He is quite lucky to be able to count Neil "Bear!" Curry (Grand Master of the Sacred Order of Wombats) and Simon "Master" Hall - the world famous composer, as his friends, but he is less sure of the honour of being a drinking associate of Richard "Beer Monster" Smith. He grudgingly admits to knowing Jon "Wallet" Brewis but hopes that this little mistake can be over looked.

A member of the Gloucestershire Paranormal Research Group, Steve, along with Mike White, . His epic 4 hour recording of a herd of Wilderbeest in the Guptshill Manor is quite dull (no! really?) but in an attempt to get something more impressive on tape he spent another night stuck in another pub (what dedication to duty eh?) and managed to get several unexplained thumps and vocal noises on tape

Steve's musical tastes are rather, well, wide ranging really - where else will you find Helloween next to Hindermith, Kraftwerk next to Khachaturian? Actually not even on Steve's shelves as Classical and Rock live in different CD stacks.

His family motto is "Let us go where fortune leads". He has never fully explained his total lack of dedication to this motto, indeed his current job would indicate that he has, in fact, done the exact opposite.